Author Archives: Ruby

The Devestating Effects Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – CTS

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a devastating disorder that is one of many listed under the general term, “Repetitive Strain Injury” (RSI). Of all repetitive strain injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome is the most recognized and prevalent among the general populace. And due to this recognition, many people are concerned about being afflicted with carpal tunnel…

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Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome without Surgery

Millions of Americans suffer from the pain and disability of carpal tunnel syndrome. Most do not know that conservative measures provide relief in the majority of cases. Almost all people with the pain, numbness and weakness in the hands and wrists can be helped with manual medicine. The osteopath evaluates the nerves, blood vessels, and…

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Learn how to Deal with Repetitive Strain Injury – RSI

The work pattern of computer professionals carries a lot of orthopedic disorders. The chief complaint is constant pain in the upper limbs, neck, shoulders, and back. Upper limb disorders (also called RSI, or tenosynovitis) are the most worse as they may rapidly lead to permanent incapacity.Repetitive strain injury occurs when the movable parts of the…

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What Causes Carpal Tunnel

A common factor in developing carpal tunnel symptoms is increased hand use or activity. While repetitive activities are often blamed for the development of Carpal Tunnel, the correlation is often unclear. Physiology and family history may have a significant role in individual’s susceptibility. Many cases of carpal tunnel syndrome are provoked by repetitive grasping and…

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